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How are websites rated?
Sitescore rates all websites on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest).
Scores are broken down into 5 categories:Marketing
How well marketed, and popular the website is. Is the website well linked to? Does it feature highly in key search engines, for relevant terms?Design
How well designed and built the website is. We test for various industry standard practices, and whether they were used correctly on the website (for example: use of frames, style sheets, redirections etc)Accessibility
How accessible the website is, particularly to those with disabilities. Recent UK and US government legislation makes this a legal requirement in many countries, which we test against.Experience
How satisfying the website is likely to be. We test various things, such as the speed of your website, the amount of variation between webpages, the number of clicks required to navigate between one page and another.User
Average user feedback, gathered from people rating the websites in our list. Users are asked to rate how a website looks, on a scale of 1-10. This is the only non-automatic test, and as a result it can take some time for a website to gather enough votes to score here.